My Little Clover has lots of handmade goodness in her room - some from my fair hands, some from others.
Santa recently added to our collection of knitted and crocheted food - with today's 40 degree heat, there were tea parties aplenty in the B+C household!
Miniature toy kitchen handmade by Little Clover's great grandfather, donut, lamington & pumpkin courtesy of
Lark, the other toys are from a local craft shop. I especially love the vegemite and cheese sandwich!
Little Clover wore the red dress on Christmas Day - it's by
Minihaha. The reversible apple dress was a gift and is handmade but there's no tag (a good reminder to always include woven labels!)
Some Japanese goodness.
Some Lecien, Kokka and Heather Ross Far Far Away.
My much loved drawers!
Again, some handmade lovelies without tags.
A repurposed Brierley + Clover Easter basket.
One of my favourite Kokka Trefle fabrics.
Brierley + Clover pennant bunting.
The bird cushion was a magazine freebie giveaway - a tea towel by
My Little Clover's big girl bed.
I'm in the midst of decorating my Little Brierley's room - boy rooms are a bit more of a challenge but I'm well underway (thank goodness for Spoonflower, nice boy fabrics are few and far between). I can't wait to share some photos once it's complete!